Dear Sirs,
We are sorry to trouble you with this e-mail, but we hope that
introduce to you a new information source about Belarus that,
probably, could be very interesting for you.
The analytical centre of "Belorusskaya Gazeta", an independent weekly
newspaper based in Minsk, has the pleasure to present you a pilot issue of
electronic information-analytical newsletter "Belarus Now: Politics.
Economics. Finances."
This first issue is composed of the materials of the last
issue of "Belorusskaya Gazeta" in 1997, and presents mostly the results of
the year.
In March, 1998 "Belarus Now" will be issued weekly on a regular
basis, subscription will also start in March.
Before that, in February, you
will find a few more free issues of the newsletter.
While composing the newsletter we use mostly exclusive stories of
"Belorusskaya Gazeta" staff writers, correspondents, observers and
contributors. Also opinion polls, interviews of participants of most
important events as well as articles and columns by leading Belarusian
politicians and economists, most competent heads of industries and
prominent persons in financial sector, statistical materials are published.
Electronic information-analytical newsletter "Belarus Now: Politics.
Economics. Finances" is distributed by subscription or
WWW ( ) and comprises:
- surveys
- analytical articles
- interviews; opinion polls
- news: facts and comment.
Starting with the 5th of March it is issued weekly. The size is about 150
computer pages (600,000 bites) per month.
Plan pay subscription.
Your notes and wishes are welcome, we shall take them into account when
composing the newsletter "Belarus Now".
You can address your notes to "Belorusskaya Gazeta" office:
- E-mail: dima at
- Post: Office 609, 17-a, Kalvariyskaya str.,
Minsk 220004
- Fax: +375(17)220-40-50, 223-33-73