The UK Human Genome Mapping Project Resource Centre have arranged a
Practical Computing Course for people interested in Sequencing Project
Management using the Staden Package.
The course is designed to provide an introduction to the use of the
latest version of programs produced by Rodger Staden's group for the
management of large-scale sequencing projects. The course is very
practical. Participants will be guided through exercises during which
they will process a substantial set of sequence data obtained from an
ABI automatic sequencing machine. The output from other makes of
automatic sequencer can also be processed by these programs, as can data
generated by manual sequencing methods. The programs are also suitable
for small-scale projects.
The course will be held in the Genetics Department of the University of
Cambridge on March 26-27. There are still places available. For further
details and/or to register, go to:
David P. Judge Tel : +44-1223-333614
Room 204, FAX : +44-1223-333992
Department of Genetics, Email : dpj10 at
University of Cambridge,
Tennis Court Road,