problem with alfsplit

Lubos Klucar klucar at fns.uniba.sk
Mon Feb 2 07:48:18 EST 1998

	I am using Staden Package software v. 1997.0p1 on Linux OS. When I
try to use alfsplit program on multiple ALF files, everything seems to
work well. I get 10 new files. But when i try to open them in trev, it
doesn't work - i get only error message "Unable to load xyz with format
ALF". When i try to open original multiple ALF fiel, I get only first
sequence. How can I load traces of other 9 files? 

		Lubos Klucar

                Dept. of Molecular Biology
                Faculty of Sciences
                Comenius University
                Mlynska Dolina B-2
                842 15  Bratislava
                Slovak Republic

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