Adam Bogdanove ajbog at iastate.edu
Wed Sep 4 13:23:33 EST 2002

Position available immediately to take part in a recently funded functional 
genomics project to study rice (Oryza sativa) susceptibility to bacterial 
diseases, in the Department of Plant Pathology at Iowa State University. 
The objectives of this five-year project are 1) to identify rice genes that 
affect susceptibility or tissue specificity to the two subspecies of 
Xanthmonas oryzae, patthovar oryzae and pathovar oryzicola, that cause 
different, broadly representative types of disease, 2) to characterize 
genetic differences between these pathogens that relate to their unique 
modes of pathogenesis, and 3) to analyze and compare rice gene expression 
changes in response to each pathogen. Rice deletion mutant and 
activation-tagged lines with altered susceptibility or tissue specificity 
will be identified, and characterized by global gene expression analysis; 
pathogen genome comparisons and analysis of secreted proteins including in 
planta expression, random mutagenesis, and heterologous expression will be 
performed to characterize differences related to the different modes of 
pathogenicity; protein-protein interaction screens (yeast two-hybrid and 
tandem affinity purification) will be carried out to identify and 
characterize rice targets of pathogen effector proteins; and global gene 
expression changes in wild type rice in response to each pathogen will be 
examined. The position is available for six months, renewable on a yearly 
basis after that depending on performance. Starting salary is $35,000 per 
year. Applicants should have a strong record of accomplishment in molecular 
genetics, molecular biology, or a related field, and excellent writing and 
interpersonal skills. Send curriculum vitae including list of publications, 
statement of research interests and professional goals, and contact 
information for three referrers to Dr. Adam Bogdanove as hard copy to 351 
Bessey Hall, Ames, IA 50011 or electronically to ajbog at iastate.edu. To 
guarantee consideration, applications must be received by October 1, 2002. 
For more information on the Bogdanove laboratory and Iowa State University, 
visit http://www.public.iastate.edu/~ajbog/
Adam J. Bogdanove
Department of Plant Pathology
351 Bessey Hall
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011
Tel: (515) 294-3421
Fax: (515) 294-9420
LAB: 420 Bessey Hall, *4-3502
OFFICE: 423 Bessey Hall *4-3421


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