Faculty Position

Scot Hulbert shulbrt at plantpath.ksu.edu
Mon Nov 29 17:35:40 EST 1999

Dear Colleagues,

Please forward this announcement to qualified individuals, or nominate
potential candidates for me to contact.

The Kansas State University Department of Plant Pathology seeks
applicants for an ASSISTANT PROFESSOR: 80% research, 20% teaching.
Candidate will be expected to establish a strong, extra-murally funded
research program in plant or microbial genomics with an emphasis on
bioinformatics; develop and teach a course in bioinformatic analysis;
participate in interdepartmental and interuniversity collaborative
research including management and analysis of our cereal gene
expression databases; advise graduate students.  Qualifications: Ph.D.
with research experience in bioinformatics and molecular biology and
demonstrated excellence in research.  Relevant post-doctoral
experience preferred. 12 mo. position, available August 1, 2000.  Send
application, including transcripts, resume, copies of relevant
publications, and a summary of research interests, and have 3 letters
of reference sent, to the address below.  

Applications will be reviewed beginning February 15, 2000. 

Kansas State University actively seeks a diverse applicant pool.  We
ask for your assistance in helping us achieve this objective.  We are
committed to providing equal employment opportunity and will give full
consideration to the qualifications of all applicants. 

Scot Hulbert, Professor
Department of Plant Pathology
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66502-5502
Phone (785)532-1392
FAX   (785)532-5692

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