The DOE/NSF/USDA Triagency supported Plant Biochemistry Research and
Training Center at Washington State University will conduct a training
course in plant biochemistry, July 11-24, 1999. The course is designed
to teach fundamental principles and recent advances in topics such as:
structure-function of plant organelles; ion transport; photosynthesis
and light-mediated responses; carbohydrate and lipid biosynthesis and
metabolism; nitrogen fixation and amino acid metabolism; hormone
signaling; synthesis and catabolism of unique plant products such as
terpenoids, alkaloids, and phenylpropanoids; signaling mechanisms in
plant defense; metabolic regulation; intra- and intercellular targeting
of macromolecules; and genomics. The course is intended for graduate
students, postdoctorals, faculty, and industrial scientists, and will be
taught by approximately 40 internationally-recognized plant scientists.
This intensive course provides an excellent opportunity to learn about
the frontiers of plant biochemistry and to interact with leaders in the
To encourage participation, funds have been allocated to partially
offset travel expenses for up to 65 participants. For further
information and an application form, contact Ms. Karen Maertens, PBRTC,
Institute of Biological Chemistry, 285 Clark Hall, P.O. Box 646340,
Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-6340; telephone
509-335-5496; fax 509-335-7643; e-mail maertens at Application
deadline April 16, 1999.
James C. Carrington
Institute of Biological Chemistry
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164
Phone: 509-332-2387
e-mail: carrington at