Graduate Opportunities in Plant Physiology/Molecular Biology

Martin Spalding mspaldin at iastate.edu
Tue Dec 7 15:55:41 EST 1999

Graduate Assistantships and Fellowships
Iowa State University, Ames, IA

The Plant Physiology Interdepartmental Graduate Program at Iowa State
University is pleased to announce the availability of graduate
fellowships and assistantships for study in plant physiology and plant
molecular biology.  The Plant Physiology Program includes 28
research-active faculty from seven different departments and provides
research opportunities stressing the development of a strong background
in fundamental biology, biochemistry, and molecular biology.  The
available Assistantships and Fellowships provide outstanding candidates
with funding for the first year of study, during which time students
perform laboratory research rotations with any of the Plant Physiology
Faculty.  Continuing funding will be provided by the major professor,
who will be chosen by the end of the first year.  To obtain application
forms and more information about the Plant Physiology Program, please
contact us by email (ippm at iastate.edu), visit our Homepage
(http://www.public.iastate.edu/~ippm) or send inquiries to: Plant
Physiology Graduate Admissions, 353 Bessey Hall, Iowa State University,
Ames, IA  50011


Martin H. Spalding, Chair  Ph: (515) 294-1749
Interdept Plant Physiology Major FAX: (515) 294-1337
Iowa State University   e-mail: ippm at iastate.edu
Ames, Iowa 50011

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