
Holger Buschmann bsshb at bath.ac.uk
Mon Aug 2 17:14:44 EST 1999

Dear collegues,
I am interested in the separation of a- and b- carotene by means of
On this topic I have two questions:
1. Does anybody have a nice method that seperates these two carotenes.
At the moment I use a RP C 18 column and isocratic conditions of
CH3CN:Dichloromethane:Methanol. As result I get a double peak and this
makes cochromatography not easy.
2. Does anybody have a nice source for isolated a-carotene that I can
use as a standard for the qualitative and quantitative analysis?

Regards, Holger

Dr. Holger Buschmann
University of Bath
Department of Biology & Biochemistry
Claverton Down
Bath, BA2 7AY
United Kingdom
Tel.: 0044 1225 826826 ext. 5916
Fax.: 0044 1225 826779
e-mail: bsshb at bath.ac.uk
visit my webpage at: http://www.bath.ac.uk/~bsshb/

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