Postdoc position: plant signal transduction

Marc R. Knight marc.knight at plant-sciences.oxford.ac.uk
Mon Aug 2 17:14:42 EST 1999

This is a one-year project funded by the University of Oxford with
ideally a start date by 1st October 1999.  The grant holder is Dr Marc
Knight, and the successful applicant will be under their immediate
direction and in their research lab.

Project Title

Production of novel plants to aid understanding of low temperature
signal transduction pathways in plants.

This project will involve the screening and characterisation of low
temperature signalling mutants of Arabidopsis, in order to identify
vital signalling components involved in low  temperature signal
transduction.  Low temperature calcium signalling mutants will be
identified by screening mutagenised lines of Arabidopsis expressing
the calcium-activated luminescent protein, aequorin, during cooling
using a highly-sensitive photon-counting camera.  Protein components
of low-temperature signalling will also be identified by the
production of luciferase promoter-trap lines and screening with a
photon-counting camera for up-regulation of luciferase by low
temperature.  These genes will then be identified by sequencing, and
homozygous lines produced to give "knockout" mutants of signalling

The Plant Signalling Group is led by Marc Knight who is a University
Lecturer in Plant Science.  Currently the group comprises two postdocs
and four postgraduate students.  The main emphasis of research in the
lab is to understand the molecular basis of the responses of plants to
abiotic stress.  The lab is well equipped for molecular biology and
has a state of the art facility for bioluminescence (aequorin and
luciferase) imaging.

The successful applicant should satisfy the following criteria:

  Experience and expertise in the following areas would be an

  Either (i) molecular biology techniques, particularly subcloning and
  plasmid construction and genetic transformation of Arabidopsis; or
  (ii) imaging techniques, particularly bioluminescence imaging eg
  luciferase or aequorin

  Ability to work independently and largely unsupervised.

  Ability to manage the day-to-day running of a research project,
  including assisting the work of junior researchers and managing
  resources effectively.

  Ability to work co-operatively as part of a team, and commitment to
  the project.

The appointment will be on the RS1A scale starting on a point within
the range stlg16,286-18,185 and there will be an initial probationary
period of three months.  The appointment of the nominated candidate
will be subject to the satisfactory completion of a medical
questionnaire and evidence of their eligibility to work in the UK. 
Unless stated otherwise we will assume we may approach referees at any
stage of the selection process unless the candidate's application
stipulates otherwise. The successful applicant will have the option of
becoming or remaining a member of the Universities Superannuation
Scheme (USS).  The University has generous maternity leave
arrangements and also paternity leave, and there are two
university-run nurseries for children aged four months to five years -
full details are available on request.

The policy and practice of the University of Oxford require that entry
into employment with the University and progression within employment
will be determined only by personal merit and the application of
criteria which are related to the duties of each particular post and
the relevant salary structure.  Subject to statutory provisions, no
applicant or member of staff will be treated less favourably than
another because of his or her sex, marital status, religion or racial
group.  Where suitably qualified individuals are available, selection
committees will contain at least one member of each sex.

Applications clearing quoting ref no PRA/32 and including a curriculum
vitae, a list of principal publications and the names of two referees
should be sent to the Administrator, Department of Plant Sciences,
South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3RB by the stated closing date.

July 1999

Dr. Marc R Knight
Department of Plant Sciences,
University of Oxford,
South Parks Road,
Oxford OX1 3RB.
Direct Tel. + 44 1865 275023
Direct Fax. + 44 1865 275023
Email: Marc.Knight at plants.ox.ac.uk
HomePage URL: http://users.ox.ac.uk/~dops0009

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