arabidopsis cDNA library

Vincent Vanoosthuyse Vincent.Vanoosthuyse at ens-lyon.fr
Wed Oct 14 09:10:47 EST 1998

In article (Dans l'article) <6vkmtg$lj3 at net.bio.net>, pedron
<pedron at ccr.jussieu.fr> wrote (écrivait) :

> We are a French laboratory working in the field of plant hormone
> research. One of our approach is based on the screening of a cDNA
> library expressed in mammalian cells to detect an hormone receptor.
> Thus, we are now looking for information about arabidopsis cDNA  library
> suitable to be expressed in COS cells. If you have any information, do
> not hesitate to contact us :
> Jacques Pédron, Assistant professor       pedron at ccr.jussieu .fr
> Régis Maldiney, Researcher                    rma at ccr.jussieu.fr
 Thanks in advance.

There is a group in Birmingham, UK which have screened Poppy (Coquelicot)
cDNAs using a COS cell system. Try the following address: 

F.C.H.Franklin at bham.ac.uk

Mark Cock

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