arabidopsis cDNA library

pedron pedron at ccr.jussieu.fr
Fri Oct 9 05:01:20 EST 1998

We are a French laboratory working in the field of plant hormone
research. One of our approach is based on the screening of a cDNA
library expressed in mammalian cells to detect an hormone receptor.
Thus, we are now looking for information about arabidopsis cDNA  library

suitable to be expressed in COS cells. If you have any information, do
not hesitate to contact us :

Jacques Pédron, Assistant professor       pedron at ccr.jussieu .fr
Régis Maldiney, Researcher                    rma at ccr.jussieu.fr

Thanks in advance.


Dr. Jacques Pédron

Laboratoire de Physiologie du Développement des Plantes
Université Pierre et Marie Curie
E5, T53, Casier 156
4, Place Jussieu 75252 Paris Cedex 05    FRANCE

Tél :     33 1 44 27 59 01
Fax :    33 1 44 27 62 32
Email : pedron at ccr.jussieu.fr


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