Postdoctoral Position in Plant Responses to Pathogens

Terrence P. Delaney tpd4 at cornell.edu
Tue Sep 30 10:01:31 EST 1997

A postdoctoral position is available immediately to study the regulation
of systemic acquired resistance (SAR) in Arabidopsis.  The Arabidopsis
NIM1 gene regulates expression of induced disease resistance through the
SAR pathway (see Delaney, 1997; Plant Physiol 113: 5;  Delaney et al,
1995, PNAS 92: 6602).  The predicted NIM1 protein contains ankyrin repeats
and appears to be homologous to the IK-B/Cactus family of transcription
factor repressors.  At Cornell, part of the focus of my program is to
understand the biochemical function of NIM1.  Therefore, I am seeking a
postdoctoral researcher with a strong background in biochemistry and the
ability to rapidly pursue this exciting project.  For more information
about our work, see:  Ryals et al, 1997, Plant Cell: 9: 425; Delaney et
al, 1994, Science 266: 1247, and:


Qualifications:  A Ph.D. with substantial experience in biochemistry, plus
molecular biology, genetics or cytology.  Individuals with experience in
plants or non-plant model eukaryotic organisms will be considered.
Applicants should possess a broad perspective and be willing to employ a
diverse range of experimental methods.

The Department of Plant Pathology has 25 faculty with diverse interests in
pathogen biology and host responses to disease.  A wide variety of
departments contribute to the stimulating atmosphere in plant and
non-plant biology.  Cornell University and Ithaca are located in the
Finger Lakes region of NY, an area renowned for its abundant lakes,
waterfalls and gorges.  We enjoy a stimulating range of seasons that
include spectacular summers and an off-season=BC filled with winter sports
opportunities.  Cornell and Ithaca College help support a rich cultural
atmosphere in this city of 30,000 people.

To Apply:  Send a statement describing current and future research
interests, a C.V. with manuscripts listed and names, addresses and numbers
of four potential references to:

Terrence Delaney, Assistant Professor; Cornell University, Dept. of Plant
Pathology; Ithaca NY 14853.

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