PGR Position

John Rathjen jprathjen at ucdavis.edu
Sat Sep 20 08:52:12 EST 1997


Post Graduate Researcher at the NSF Center for Engineering Plants for
Resistance Against Pathogens (CEPRAP), University of California, Davis.

Major Responsibilities: This person will be responsible for assisting in
the molecular characterization of plant disease resistance genes using a
range of molecular biology techniques.  This person will work closely with
others in the research group as well as conducting independent research.
In the short term, the project will involve extensive use of the yeast
two-hybrid system.  Longer term experiments involve protein structure
-function assays.  The person will also have responsibility for general
laboratory maintenance.

Qualifications: Applicants should have at least a Bachelor's degree in
Biochemistry, Genetics, Chemistry or related field.  Extensive laboratory
experience with recombinant DNA techniques essential.

Position Available: Immediately until filled.   Should be available by
September, 1997 at the latest.

To Apply: Send cover letter, resume, undergraduate (and graduate)
transcripts, and names and addresses of three professional references to:
		Professor Richard Michelmore
		Department of Vegetable Crops
		One Shields Avenue
		University of California
		Davis, CA 95616

rwmichelmore at ucdavis.edu
Tel: 916-752-1729
FAX: 916-752-9659

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