postdoctoral positions

Martha James mgjames at iastate.edu
Mon Feb 3 18:23:22 EST 1997


Two post-doctoral positions are available immediately to investigate
molecular aspects of starch biogenesis in maize.  Both positions are funded
for a minimum of two years.  The research focuses on the mechanisms that
give rise to the intricate architectural specificity of starch (1,2).
Available projects include 1) biochemical analyses of the activity of
previously-identified maize starch biosynthetic enzymes and investigations
of their potential interactions; 2) over- or under-expression of starch
biosynthetic enzymes in transgenic maize and potatoes to produce altered
storage polysaccharides; and 3) identification and characterization of
additional plant genes that participate in or regulate starch biosynthesis
by complementation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  Experience in molecular
biology is required and knowledge of carbohydrate chemistry is desirable.
To apply send a brief statement of research experience and interests, a
curriculum vitae, and the names of three referees to:

Drs. Martha G. James and Alan M. Myers
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
2152 Molecular Biology Building
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011
FAX: 515-294-0453
e-mail: mgjames at iastate.edu
         ammyers at iastate.edu

1. Ball, S., Guan, H.-P., James, M., Myers, A., Keeling, P., Mouille, G.,
Buleon, A., Colonna, P., and Priess, J. (1996). From glycogen to
amylopectin: a model for the biogenesis of the plant starch granule. Cell
86, 349-352.

2. James, M.G., Robertson, D.S., and Myers, A.M. (1995). Characterization
of the maize gene sugary1, a determinant of starch composition in kernels.
Plant Cell 7, 417-429.

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