USDA National Needs Graduate Fellowships
Plant Biotechnology: Maize Biology
University of Missouri-Columbia
Applications are invited for competitive pre-doctoral fellowships ($17,000
/ year) for students with research interests in maize biology.
Participating faculty are members of the Interdisciplinary Plant Group,
Division of Biological Sciences, Department of Agronomy, and USDA/ARS.
Research interests of the faculty include: genome organization, gene
expression, signal transduction, crop physiology, and agronomic trait
manipulation. The maize biology faculty are: T. Baskin, D. Blevins, J.
Birchler, E. Coe, K. Cone, L. Darrah, G. Johal, E. Liscum, M. McMullen, S.
Muse, K. Newton, R. Sharp, and J. Walker.
Application materials can by obtained from: Dr. Karen Cone, Director of
Graduate Studies, Division of Biological Sciences, 105 Tucker Hall,
University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211. Phone: 1-800-553-5698; FAX:
573-882-0123; email: cone at Application deadline:
February 1, 1997.
More details on specific research programs are available from the Division
of Biological Sciences website at: