Petr Cejchan recovery at gli.cas.cz
Wed Nov 20 20:55:51 EST 1996

Please forward this message to your colleagues or other persons of interest!



The final meeting of the UNESCO IGCP Project 335  "Biotic Recoveries from
Mass Exctinctions"

September 12-14, 1997
Prague, Czech Republic



About the project

In the history of the Earth (including the recent), numerous events of
collapses occurred that were followed by recoveries and origination of new
ecosystems. This significant transformation could be realised in numerous
ways. The project aims to be a platform for the study of survival and
recovery of 
the biosphere, and restructuring of global environments, following mass

The project outlines are:
   (1) to study patterns of extinction/survivorship of organisms during the
mass extinction events; 
   (2) to analyse the evolutionary and ecological strategies that allowed
clades and communities to survive and initiate subsequent biotic recoveries;
   (3) to study the structure of the deep-crisis ecosystem; 
   (4) to elucidate the recovery initiation mechanisms; 
   (5) to find the time, space and functional patterns of the recovery; 
   (6) to refine the data and tools for this discipline; 
   (7) to develop general models by means of comparison of individual global
crises in Earth's history;
   (8) to apply these (predictive) models to better understanding the modern
environmental and biodiversity crises.

This international project is headed by Douglas H. Erwin, Smithsonian
Institution, Washington, D.C., and Erle G. Kauffman, University of Colorado,
Boulder. Over sixty countries are involved in the project.


The meeting should bring together palaeobiologists, palaeontologists,
biologists, ecologists, systems theorists, and other persons that are
interested in the topic.


The conference is held under the auspices of the Geological Institute,
Academy of Sciences, and is organised by:

Petr Cejchan & Jindrich Hladil
Geological Institute, Academy of Sciences
Rozvojova 135
CZ 165 02 Praha 6 Lysolaje
Czech Republic


The conference will be held at the new IKEM Conference Building, Videnska
800, Prague 4, Czech Republic, two bus-stops away from the Metro line C
station "Kacerov", ca. 20 minutes off the city centre.


September 10            registration of pre-excursionists (afternoon)
September 11            pre-session excursion to the Cretaceous of Bohemia;
registration (afternoon)
September 12            sessions
September 13            sessions; banquet in the evening
September 14            sessions
September 15 -16        post-session excursion to the Palaeozoic of the

Accommodation (US$ per person & night)

To reserve the hotel room, you will be asked to pay for accommodation before
July 31, 1997.

high-level ****
A - single  185
B - double  111

medium ***
C - single              70
D - double              50
E - apartment double    57
F - apartment triple    44

cheap **
G - single (in 2x single apartment )    27
H- double (in 2x double apartment )     20
I - apartment double                    27


pre-registration (WWW or printed form)    January 31, 1997
abstracts                                 May 31, 1997

following items are valid only when paid before the specified date:

early registration and excursions         May 31, 1997
late registration and excursions          September 12, 1997
hotel reservation & payment               July 31, 1997

Payments (US$)

early registration (before May 31)   late registration (after May 31, 1997)
registration fee              250              300
registration student fee      175              210
pre-session excursion          50               60
post-session excursion        100              120
accompanying persons          150              180


Please, direct all your correspondence related to the conference to the
Conference Manager: 

Petra Hovorkova, Recoveries '97
Eurocongress Centre
Budejovicka 15 
CZ 140 00 Praha 4
fax +42-2-61211247

For conference update and details on the programme please consult:

e-mail: recovery at gli.cas.cz


The conference hall will be professionally equipped, including:
two projection screens
two 35 mm slide projectors
one overhead projector
computer presentation projection (Windows 95 + MS Power Point)
video projection (VHS only)

The poster presentation room will be equipped with poster panels and will be
available during all the session days.


Abstracts should be submitted before May 31, 1997, preferably as plain text
on a DOS-formatted diskette. The abstract book will be included with the
conference materials. Persons interested in obtaining the abstracts in
advance can order the DOS-formatted diskette with abstracts for US$ 25
(after July 1, 1997).


The conference will result in a refereed proceedings book (not included with
>conference materials). Authors should submit their contributions to the
conference proceedings book by September 12, 1997, i.e., by the beginning of
the sessions. Authors are asked to provide the text on a DOS-diskette,
together with a paper proof. 

Student support

3% of the conference budget will be used to support a limited number of student 
participants at lower fee. Students (undergraduate & graduate) must supply a 
certificate of their student status together with the pre-registration form.
Pre-register soon to take the advantage of student support. Banquet is not
included in student fee, however, other aspects do not differ from ordinary
participants' ones.


Please, use the pre-registration form included here, or  the electronic
pre-registration feature at


to let us know about your interest and your preferences. You will be
included with our mailing list. Your pre-registration will help us to
estimate the real needs of the conference, as well as keep you informed.

Second announcement

The responders to the first announcement will obtain the second announcement
(registration form, hotel reservation form & call for papers) during
February, 1997.


Please complete and return to:

Petra Hovorkova
Recoveries '97
Eurocongress Centre
Budejovicka 15 
CZ 140 00 Praha 4
fax +42-2-61211247

Forename:                Initial(s):                 
Title:                   Sex [M/F]:
Address[street]:                                     City:
Post/Zip code:           Country:                    
Phone:                   Fax:                        E-
Please tick:

I shall attend
   almost certainly,

and I intend to be accompanied by 
   more accompanying persons [x $150]

I want to apply for a student fee [$175] and I am enclosing a copy of my
student status certificate (required)   yes  -  no

I intend to give a lecture   yes  -  no

I want to present a poster   yes  -  no

I intend to submit an abstract entitled:

I intend to join the one-day pre-session field trip [$50]   yes  -  no

I intend to join the two-days post-session field trip [$100]   yes  -  no

I would like to have dinners at the Conference Restaurant [booking only]
yes  -  no

I would like this type of accommodation (see above):
A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I

Other requirements (please specify): 

I agree with putting my name onto a publicly accessible electronic list of
participants on the Web   yes  -  no

Please forward this message to your colleagues or other persons of interest!

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