BS/MS position available-Plant Mol. Bio.

kellerk at pt.Cyanamid.COM kellerk at pt.Cyanamid.COM
Fri Nov 15 15:12:06 EST 1996

     The Plant Biotechnology program at American Cyanamid Company, a
     subsidiary of American Home Products, seeks a highly motivated BS/MS
     level Scientist for the Molecular Biology/Biochemistry program.  The
     successful candidate will assist in the identification and cloning of
     inducible genes encoding plant metabolic enzymes, and in the
     manipulation of plant an non-plant DNA sequences for expression in
     plant cells.  This position requires experience in standard molecular
     biology techniques (e.g. DNA cloning, PCR, DNA sequencing, Southern
     blots, RNA isolation, northern blots, differential display, cDNA
     library screening) and biochemistry (e.g. enzyme assays, western
     blots, protein purification).  Working knowledge in secondary plant
     metabolism is a plus.  We seek an individual with good communication
     skills, computer knowledge and willingness to work in a
     multidisiplinary team environment.  For consideration, please send a
     resume and the name, address and phone number of three professional
     references to American Cyanamid Agricultural Research Center, Dept.
     kk/gk, P.O. Box 400, Princeton, NJ 08543-0400, E-mail:
     reineroa at pt.cyanamid.com

     American Cyanamid is an equal opportunity employer M/F/D/V

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