A Postdoctoral position is available immediately to conduct research on
phloem sieve elements in plant tissue cultures using biochemical,
cellular, and molecular techniques.
(See Wang, Monroe and Sjolund, 1995, Plant Physiology, 109:743-750.)
Applicants must have a Ph.D. in a plant science, and direct experience in
plant molecular biology and plant biochemistry. Experience in
SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, western blotting techniques, and
protein purification is desirable. Please send a letter describing your
research and training, a C.V., and three letters of recommendation to:
Dr. Richard Sjolund
Department of Biological Sciences
Room 222 Chemistry Bld.
University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa USA 52242.
Fax: 319: 335 3620. Email: r-sjolund at uiowa.edu
The University of Iowa is an equal opportunity employer.
Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply.