Post-doctoral position in Plant Signal Transduction (Signaux et Messages
Cellulaires chez les V=E9g=E9taux, UMR 5546 CNRS-UPS, Toulouse France.
Director:R. Ranjeva)
A post-doctoral associate may be appointed by the French Minist=E8re des
Affaires Etrang=E8res to join the group working on "receptors and second
messengers" in Toulouse for one or possibly two years. The awardee selected
by a ad hoc committee of the French Ministry is expected to begin on october
1998. Only non french citizens or/and non french residents are
eligible (knowledge of the French Language is not mandatory).
scientific environment:
The research group (seven (7) researchers and two (2) engineers holding
permanent positions) is interested in the general problem of plant cell
signalling with a special emphasis on the regulation of plasma
membrane-bound voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCCs). Recent results
have shown that the activity of the VDCCs is tightly regulated by
protein-protein interactions involving cytoskeletal components. Current work
aims at deciphering the mechanisms involved and identifying key molecules by
combining in vitro (purification, reconstitution; study of protein-protein
interaction by affinity chromatography) and in vivo analysis (mesurement of
channel activities; use of transgenics and/or mutants affected in
cytoskeletal organization and/or sensitivity to plant growth substances and
the two-hybrid system).
The research group uses important core facilities making it possible to
perform most of the modern methods in biochemistry, cell and molecular
biology and patch-clamp. The group is involved in ntional and international
programs and networks (for example the group is supported by the
=46rance-Berkeley Foundation to work with the laboratiry of R. L Jones at
Berkeley, Cal).
=46our representative papers of the group: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, (1993=
90,. 765-769.; EMBO J., (1994) 13, pp. 2970-2975. EMBO J., (1994) 13, pp.
5843-5847. FEBS Lett., (1996) 393, pp13-18.
The post-doctoral associate will be selected on the basis of his CV and his
research proposal which will be discussed. He has to be specialized in one
(or more) of the following fields:
- electrophysiology (patch-clamp),
- modern cytology including fluorescence microscopy, confocal microscopy
and/otr image analysis,
- biochemistry of protein-protein interactions.
- Ph D degree obtained for less than four (4) years before appointment,
- International records of publications,
- three confidential letters of recommendation.
salary and environment::
The salary, paid by the French Minist=E8re des Affaires Etrang=E8res is
approximately FF 12 000 corresponding to the salary of an Assistant Professo=
Toulouse is part of the French Languedoc (southwest) and renowed for his
history, culture and gastronomy. Toulouse is only two-hour drive from the
Pyr=E9nees, the Mediterranean Sea or the Atlantic Ocean and hosts 100 000
Dead line for application: 7 january 1997. Please send your CV and research
proposal to R. Ranjeva email ranjeva at ou umr5546 at T=E9l=E9pho=
+33 5 61556753 (secr=E9tariat) or
+ 33 5 556751
letters of recommendation should be sent to: R. Ranjeva, UMR 5546 CNRS-UPS,
"Signaux et Messages Cellulaires" bat 4 R1, Universit=E9 P. Sabatier, 118,
Route de Narbonne 31062 Toulouse cedex 4