On October 4, 1996 the following advertisement ran in Science. There
appears to be a reluctance for plant people to apply because of the
department name. Plant people will be seriously considered for this
position and are encouraged to apply. The department contains a number of
plant people already and there is ample opportunity to interact with members
of the Agronomy, Botany, Plant Pathology and Horticulture Departments,
particularly through interdepartmental programs on campus. We look foward to
your applications.
Iowa State University invites applications for a TENURE TRACK FACULTY
POISITION in developmental genetics within the Department of Zoology and
Genetics. Applications are encouraged from individuals conducting
interdisciplinary research in developmental genetics of any fungal, plant or
animal system. The department contains a variety of active and
collaborative research groups in developmental biology, genetics,
neurobiology and physiology (see:
http://molebio.iastate.edu/htm/zghomepg.html). The successful candidate
will be expected to establish a competitive research program, and contribute
to graduate and undergraduate education. The position includes start-up
funds and space in a modern Molecular Biology Building, which houses
state-of-the-art support facilities. Candidates should send curriculum
vitae, statement of research and teaching interests, and arrange for three
letters of recommendation to be sent to: Dr. Sheldon S. Shen, Chair,
Developmental Genetics Search Committee, 339 Science II Bldg., Iowa State
University, Ames, IA 50011, by December 31, 1996. Iowa State University is
an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Women and members of
minority groups are encouraged to apply.
Phil Becraft "Empty drums beat loudest."
--Aztec proverb.
Zoology & Genetics / Agronomy Depts.
2116 Molecular Biology Bldg.
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011
phone 515-294-2903
fax 515-294-0345
email becraft at iastate.edu