Faculty Position in Plant Biology at ASU

Andrew N. Webber Andrew.Webber at ASU.EDU
Thu Nov 7 12:12:21 EST 1996

                              ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
                                 PLANT BIOLOGY

The Department of Botany at Arizona State University invites applications
for a tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant Professor level.
Preference will be given to candidates applying imaginative molecular
genetic approaches to solve fundamental questions at the organismal level.
This can relate to structural, functional or developmental issues and
should complement existing strengths in the department.  The successful
candidate will be expected to develop a vigorous extramurally funded
research program and contribute to teaching at the undergraduate and
graduate level.  Applicants must have a Ph.D. or equivalent, productive
postdoctoral research experience, and teaching experience.  Information
about the department can be found at http://lsvl.la.asu.edu/botany/.
Applicants must send a curriculum vitae, statement of research interests,
and have three letters of reference sent to Andrew Webber, Search Committee
Chair, Department of Botany, Arizona State University, Box 871601, Tempe,
AZ 85287-1601 by January 15, 1997.  Arizona State University is an Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action/Title IX Employer.

Andrew N. Webber                ATANW at ACVAX.INRE.ASU.EDU
Department of Botany            Tel: (602) 965-8725
Arizona State University        Fax: (602) 965-6899
Box 871601
Tempe, AZ 85287-1601

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