post-doc position

ranty at cict.fr ranty at cict.fr
Tue Nov 5 19:31:14 EST 1996


Bourse post-doctorale du Minist=E8re des Affaires Etrang=E8res en=
mol=E9culaire v=E9g=E9tale (UMR 5546 CNRS-UPS, Signaux et Messages=
chez les V=E9g=E9taux, Toulouse. Directeur R. Ranjeva)

L'=E9quipe  "r=E9cepteurs et seconds messagers" est susceptible d'accueillir=
chercheur post-doctoral, non Fran=E7ais  ne r=E9sidant pas en France, pour=
an, =E9ventuellement renouvelable =E0 partir d'octobre 1997. La s=E9lection
d=E9finitive du laur=E9at sera effectu=E9
>contexte scientifique:
>L'=E9quipe d'accueil (sept chercheurs permanents, deux ing=E9nieurs)
s'int=E9resse au probl=E8me g=E9n=E9ral de la signalisation cellulaire chez=
v=E9g=E9taux en consid=E9rant plus particuli=E8rement la r=E9gulation des=
calcium-voltage d=E9pendant de la membrane plasmi
>L'=E9quipe d'accueil a acc=E8s =E0 un plateau technologique permettant de=
en oeuvre la majorit=E9 des techniques de biochimie, de biologie cellulaire=
mol=E9culaire et d'=E9lectrophysiologie mol=E9culaire. Elle fait partie de
consortium de recherche Fran=E7ais e
>Quatre publications significatives du groupe: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA,
(1993) 90,. 765-769.; EMBO J., (1994) 13, pp. 2970-2975. EMBO J., (1994) 13,
pp. 5843-5847. FEBS Lett., (1996) 393, pp13-18.
>profil souhait=E9 et sujet de recherche:
>Le chercheur post-doctoral sera retenu sur la qualit=E9 de son dossier
scientifique et du projet qu'il proposera. Il peut r=E9pondre =E0 l'un des
profils suivants:
>- =E9lectrophysiologiste (patch-clamp),
>- sp=E9cialiste de cytologie fonctionnelle: microscopie en fluorescence,
microscopie confocale et analyse d'images,
>- biochimiste des interactions prot=E9ines-prot=E9ines.
>conditions =E0 remplir:
>-Th=E8se soutenue  depuis moins de  quatre (4) ans au moment de la prise de
>- Publications internationales reconnues,
>- Trois lettres de recommandation.
>conditions mat=E9rielles:
>- Le salaire, pay=E9 par le minist=E8re des affaires =E9trang=E8res,=
 s'=E9l=E8vera =E0
environ 12 000 FF par mois, correspondant donc au traitement d'un Ma=EEtre=
Conf=E9rences. Une faible partie de cette somme sera retenue pour les
assurances sociales.
>- Toulouse, ville situ=E9e dans le sud-ouest de la France, est reput=E9e=
son histoire, sa culture et sa gastronomie. Elle se trouve =E0 moins de deux
heures de la cha=EEne des Pyr=E9n=E9es, de la mer M=E9diterran=E9e et de=
Atlantique. C'est une m=E9tropole mod
>Date limite de d=E9p=F4t des candidatures:    7 janvier 1997 accompagn=E9=
projet de recherche
>aupr=E8s de: R. Ranjeva email ranjeva at cict.fr ou umr5546 at cict.fr.=
+33 5 61556753 (secr=E9tariat) ou + 33 5 556751
>Les lettres de recommandation doivenet =EAtre adress=E9es =E0: R. Ranjeva,=
5546 CNRS-UPS, "Signaux et Messages Cellulaires" bat 4 R1, Universit=E9 P.
Sabatier, 118, Route de Narbonne 31062 Toulouse cedex 4
>Post-doctoral position in Plant Signal Transduction (Signaux et Messages
Cellulaires chez les V=E9g=E9taux, UMR 5546 CNRS-UPS, Toulouse France.
Director:R. Ranjeva)
>A post-doctoral associate may be appointed by the French Minist=E8re des
Affaires Etrang=E8res to join the group working on "receptors and second
messengers" in Toulouse for one or possibly two years. The awardee selected
by a ad hoc committee of the French M
>scientific environment:
> The research group (seven (7)  researchers and two (2) engineers holding
permanent positions) is interested in the general problem of plant cell
signalling with a special emphasis on the regulation of plasma
membrane-bound voltage-dependent calcium chann
>The research group uses important core facilities making it possible to
perform most of the modern methods in biochemistry, cell and molecular
biology and patch-clamp. The group is involved in ntional and international
programs and networks (for example t
>Four representative papers of the group: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, (1993)
90,. 765-769.; EMBO J., (1994) 13, pp. 2970-2975. EMBO J., (1994) 13, pp.
5843-5847. FEBS Lett., (1996) 393, pp13-18.
>The post-doctoral associate will be selected on the basis of his CV and his
research proposal which will be discussed. He has to be specialized in one
(or more) of the following fields:
>- electrophysiology (patch-clamp),
>- modern cytology including fluorescence microscopy, confocal microscopy
and/otr image analysis,
>- biochemistry of protein-protein interactions.
>- Ph D degree obtained for less than four (4)  years before appointment,
>- International records of publications,
>- three confidential letters of recommendation.
>salary and environment::
>The salary, paid by the French Minist=E8re des Affaires Etrang=E8res is
approximately FF 12 000 corresponding to the salary of an Assistant=
>Toulouse is part of the French Languedoc (southwest) and renowed for his
history, culture and gastronomy. Toulouse is only two-hour drive from the
Pyr=E9nees, the Mediterranean Sea or the Atlantic Ocean and hosts 100 000
>Dead line for application: 7 january 1997. Please send your CV and research
proposal to R. Ranjeva email ranjeva at cict.fr ou umr5546 at cict.fr. T=E9l=E9pho=
+33 5 61556753 (secr=E9tariat) or
> + 33 5 556751
>letters of recommendation should be sent to: R. Ranjeva, UMR 5546 CNRS-UPS,
"Signaux et Messages Cellulaires" bat 4 R1, Universit=E9 P. Sabatier, 118,
Route de Narbonne 31062 Toulouse cedex 4

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