[Neuroscience] Tracking the 1995 Mohonk conference on the self organizing Psyche...

Jesús-Mario Minty via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by the.minty from gmail.com)
Wed Oct 5 11:28:25 EST 2016

Hello, this message is for Alan Steiner.

I contact you with a particular mission regarding the 1995 Mohonk
Conference on the self organizing Psyche.

I am aware that it was a while back, but I'm very interested in the subject
and wanted to know if you might have some information regarding articles or
publications or some kind of trace (even notes) of that event.

Maybe even an anecdote from the top of your mind or a contact from someone
that might have some clues on that?

In any case, anything would be well received.

I am a Clinical psychologist currently doing a PHD research at the
University of Sorbonne Paris 7 in France regarding fractals and the psyche
from a psychoanalytical perspective, also member of the Society for Chaos
Theory in Psychology and life Sciences, as well as the
Neuropsychoanalitical Association .

I thank you in advance!

Best wishes,
Jesus Mario Serna

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