Dear Colleagues,
Registration is open for the course "3D Model Generation in Biosciences – 2nd
edition", November 3-7, 2016.
Instructors: Josep Fortuny (Institut catalá de Paleotologia M.C., Spain) and
Sergio Llácer (Institut catalá de Paleotologia M.C., Spain).
The goal of this course is to explain how you can work with a range of
technologies with the aim of obtaining a 3D model from different sources. By the
end of the course participants should be able to work in an autonomous way to
develop high quality digitalizations of samples with the most commonly used
techniques and also be able to edit and manipulate the digital models that are
This course will be held in University Autonomous of Barcelona, and is
co-organized by Transmitting Science and the Institut Catalá de Paleontologia M.
Crusafont. Places are limited and will be covered by strict registration order.
For further information:
Please feel free to distribute this information between your colleagues if you
consider it appropriate.
With best regards
Soledad De Esteban-Trivigno, PhD.
Scientific Director
Transmitting Science