[Neuroscience] ainsworth electrodes

Arkadiusz Stasiak via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by arek.stasiak from ymail.com)
Thu Oct 29 12:39:41 EST 2015

Hi, I found below post and wondering if you still looking for Ainsworth electrodes ?I will be producing them soon, so if interested, please email me.RegardsArek

Ainsworth Electrodes
Joe Blow joseph_blow16 at yahoo.com 
Sat Apr 3 01:36:36 EST 2004   
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For quite some time I've been hunting for
any company (or science group) that makes
and sells the classic "Ainsworth electrode,"
as described in

Merrill EG, Ainsworth A (1972) "Glass-coated platinum-plated tungsten 
microelectrodes." Med Biol Eng 10:662-672

The Ainsworth electrode consists of tungsten with glass
insulation, and platinum blacking of the tip.  Some
of the heavier hitters in the electrode-making business
(like FHC) tell me that they don't have the means to
do the glass coating of tungsten, which is apparently
trickier to do than on platinum-iridium, say.

So does anyone out there make the Ainsworth electrode
and how can I get some?


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