[Neuroscience] 7th International Summer School in Biomedical Engineering „New Instrumentation for brain measurements and stimulation“, 17th - 29th August 2015 in Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany

Uwe Graichen via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by uwe.graichen from tu-ilmenau.de)
Fri Jun 5 03:26:23 EST 2015

Dear colleagues,

we are pleased to announce the

7th International Summer School in Biomedical Engineering on "New
Instrumentation for brain measurements and stimulation" August, 17-29,
2015 in Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany.

This event stands in the tradition of a series of successful summer
schools on hot themes in biomedical engineering, dedicated to intense
learning in the fruitful atmosphere of tight interaction between
students and world-leading specialists.

This year’s summer school is devoted to new hardware technologies for
measuring and stimulating the brain, such as dry electroencephalography
(EEG) electrodes, optically pumped magnetic field sensors, neuronal
current imaging based on low-field magnetic resonance and multichannel
transcranial current stimulation.

In particular, the 7th International Summer School on Biomedical
Engineering will focus on ways how these new technical advances may help
to overcome current limitations in human neurosciences and medicine. It
will cover both theoretical foundations and practical applications. We
aim at a thorough understanding of the underlying mechanisms. Thus, we
will develop a critical view on current applications and possible future

The second important aim of the summer school consists in providing
contact with both leading experts in the field and other students with
similar interests, thereby facilitating the exchange of ideas on latest
developments in the field.

Target Group:

- PhD students

- Advanced Master students

- Researchers entering the field of brain measurement and stimulation

Further Information about the 7th International Summer School in
Biomedical Engineering:


We would be happy to receive your application. Please pass this
announcement to your colleagues who might be interested.


Jens Haueisen and Thomas Knösche

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