Dear Computational Neuroscience Community,
Please find below our job posting for Postdoc positions in the labs of Prof.
Stefan Rotter, Prof. Ulrich Egert and Dr. Robert Schmidt / Dr. Arvind Kumar
at the Bernstein Center Freiburg (BCF) <> ,
Best regards
Birgit Ahrens
PostDoc position on computational models of dopamine neuromodulation
One PostDoc position is available from the Cluster of Excellence
BrainLinks-BrainTools in Freiburg (Germany) in the research groups of Robert
Schmidt and Arvind Kumar located at the Bernstein Center Freiburg.
The project is focused on studying the effect of dopamine on the basal
ganglia network dynamics and on motor output. In particular, simulations of
basal ganglia circuits will be used to characterize the functional role of
dopamine through the complex modulation of membrane and synaptic properties
of striatal cells. The results of this project are expected to contribute to
develop new treatment strategies for akinesia, rigidity, bradykinesia and
levodopa-induced dyskinesia in Parkinson's Disease.
The ideal candidate has a strong background in computational neuroscience
demonstrated by peer-reviewed publications. Advanced programming skills
(e.g. Matlab or Python), high motivation and a vivid interest in
neuroscientific research are mandatory. Experience in the analysis of
neurophysiological data and computational modelling is expected.
The position is initially for one year (100% TV-L E13) and can be extended
to a total of 30 months after successful internal evaluation of the project.
Please send a single PDF containing your CV, and a scientific research
statement (max. 2 pages) to
<mailto:dopamine from>
dopamine from In addition, please arrange
2-3 referees to send their recommendation letters directly to the same
e-mail address. Application deadline is the 31st March, 2014 and the
position starts latest October 2014.
Further details on:
Postdoc Position on Structure and Dynamics of Cortical Networks in the
Computational Neuroscience lab of Prof. Stefan Rotter
Our goal is to understand the interplay between network topology and spiking
activity dynamics in the neocortex and other parts of the mammalian brain,
and to explore the possibilities and constraints of dynamical brain
function. Our main tools are mathematical/numerical network modeling and
statistical data analysis, often used side by side within the framework of
stochastic point processes and statistical graph theory. In collaboration
with physiologists and anatomists, we seek to develop new perspectives for
the model-based analysis and interpretation of neuronal signals.
We are a young group of researchers from mathematics, physics, computer
science and biology and invite applications to join the lab for a 2-3 year
PostDoc project, and to enter the PostDoc program in Computational
Neuroscience at the Bernstein Center Freiburg.
Please apply online via our online application form
<> and indicate "Rotter" as preferred
project. Applications are accepted until the position is filled.
Further details on:
Postdoc position in Non-Clinical Epilepsy Research in the Biomicrotechnology
lab of Prof. Ulrich Egert
We are currently offering a Postdoc position (2 years) in the Laboratory for
Biomicrotechnology ( at
the University of Freiburg.
The project investigates mechanisms underlying mesiotemporal lobe epilepsy
from the perspective of the dysfunction of interaction between subnetworks
in the hippocampal formation (Froriep et al. 2012, Epilepsia). We aim to use
targeted stimulation to reduce the circuit's susceptibility for seizures.
It is essential that you have a background in neuroscience, ideally in
experimental neurophysiology in vivo as well as a PhD degree. You should
further be competent in data analysis and have an affinity for the network
The project is part of the Cluster of Excellence "BrainLinks-BrainTools''
( <> )
together with the Bernstein Center Freiburg (
<> ) and will combine neurophysiology,
computational neuroscience and neurotechnology.
Please apply online via our online application form
<> and indicate "Egert" as preferred
project. Applications are accepted until the position is filled.
Further details on:
Postdoc position in Neurotechnology & Computational Neuroscience in the lab
of Prof. Stefan Rotter
We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher to join an international team
of scientists and engineers in the NeuroSeeker project (see The goal of the project is to develop and apply
new methods and software to improve the yield of novel high-resolution
probes for recording activity from many neurons simultaneously.
Candidates should hold a PhD in physics, applied mathematics, computer
science or biology, with proven experience in software engineering and
user-oriented application programming (C++ and/or Python). Specific
knowledge and scientific publications in the fields of "statistical analysis
of neuronal data" and/or "numerical methods and data structures in the
neurosciences" are a requirement.
Funding is already available, starting date is negotiable.
Please apply online via our online application form
<> and indicate "Rotter" as preferred
project. Applications are accepted until the position is filled.
Further details on:
-- Dr. Birgit Ahrens --
Coordinator for the Teaching & Training Programs
Bernstein Center Freiburg
Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg
Hansastr. 9a
D - 79104 Freiburg
Phone: +49 (0) 761 203-9575
Fax: +49 (0) 761 203-9559
Email: <mailto:birgit.ahrens from>
birgit.ahrens from
Web: <>