[Neuroscience] last call young scientist publication award 2012

Isabell Witt via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by isabell.witt from uni-koeln.de)
Tue Sep 25 09:17:06 EST 2012

Dear potential applicant,


the International NRW Research Schools in Germany seeks internationally and will award prizes of € 1,500 to ten young scientists for the most outstanding research work in: http://www.young-scientist-award.de/

Applicants should be authors or co-authors of outstanding publications in high ranking scientific journals. The date of acceptance of the paper should be in the current or the preceding year.

For application to the IGSDHD http://www.young-scientist-award.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=27:requirements-of-the-international-graduate-school-from-embryo-to-old-age&catid=26&Itemid=25  the following materials must be submitted:

·        The student`s curriculum vitae

*	A letter from the undergraduate supervisor or department dean, stating that the applicant for this award had not finished his/her master or diploma degree by the time the paper was submitted
*	A letter of support from the undergraduate supervisor including a description of the student’s impact on the publication
*	A copy of the paper or accepted manuscript
*	A copy of the letter of acceptance must be also submitted, if the paper has not been published
*	The application form <http://www.young-scientist-award.de/images/stories/2012_ysa_formular.pdf>  (PDF document)

Deadline for submission is September 30, 2012.

The application documents must be submitted by postal mail. In addition, a single pdf file by email would be very helpful.

Please submit your application to:


Dr. Isabell Witt

Graduate School for Biological Sciences

Zülpicher Strasse 47a

D-50674 Cologne


phone: +49 (0) 221 4701683

fax:     +49 (0) 221 4701632

email:  isabell.witt from uni-koeln.de 



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