Hi Michael, thanks a lot for your comments and the link.
Yes, I am doing current clamp recordings from soma as you mentioned.
Still I dont get the point how do you conclude that RS is equivalent
to the resistance of the cytoplasm (Ri).
On the other side, how would affect changes in RS the time constant or
the slope of my EPSP?
And how will solve the problem the use of a discontinuous mode amplifier?
Thanks again, best wishes
2012/11/25, neur-sci-request from oat.bio.indiana.edu
<neur-sci-request from oat.bio.indiana.edu>:
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>>> Today's Topics:
>> 1. Re: Help with series resistance and EPSP variations
> (Dr. Michael Ferber)
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:43:18 +0100
> From: "Dr. Michael Ferber" <Michael.Ferber from gmx.de>
> Subject: Re: [Neuroscience] Help with series resistance and EPSP
> variations
> To: neur-sci from magpie.bio.indiana.edu> Message-ID: <2234704.ku0AEN0ukF from ragnarok>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>> Hmm.... hwta type of experiment are you doing? I assume your patchj
> electrode
> is lovcated at the soma and you are in current clamp mode. Your EPSPs are
> eliceted somewhere distant in the dendrites of a neuron. Right? Uner these
> circumstances I would say that your RS is equivalent to the resistance if
> the
> cytoplasm. To solve your question you may have a look to the length constant
>> of axons (or dendrites).
>> See for example here: http://neuroscience.uth.tmc.edu/s1/chapter03.html>>> Best wishes
> Michael
>>> Hi everybody, there is a question I have since some time but still
>> dont have a convinvcing answer.
>> When your series resistance changes during a patch clamp experiment,
>> 1- which influence does it have on my EPSP slope and amplitude?
>> 2-why?
>> 3-how would it help or not to use a discontinuous (switching) amplifier?
>> If anyone could help me to understand I will appreciate it, please
>> try to be explicit in answering. Thanks a lot in advance!
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