[Neuroscience] NEURON course in Austria

Jose Guzman via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by sjm.guzman from googlemail.com)
Mon Mar 26 08:26:26 EST 2012

Hi everybody!

I would like to announce that the Neuroscience group at the Institute of
Science and Technology (IST Austria) is organizing a computational
neuroscience course with NEURON. Feel free to forward this announcement
to interested people.

You can find a more detailed information at
http://www.ist.ac.at/NeuronCourse2012 (or see the information bellow).

Feel free to contact me if you're interested in attending to the course.

European NEURON Course at IST Austria


"European Neuron Course 2012" (NEURON 2012 Summer Course at IST)

When: Monday, August 20, through Friday, August 24, 2012

Where: Institute of Science and Technology (IST Austria)
Klosterneuburg, Wien, Austria

Organizers: N.T. Carnevale , M.L. Hines, Jose Guzman and Peter Jonas

This 5-day-course is the European counterpart of the intensive course
held yearly in San Diego by the developers of NEURON (T. Carnevale and
M. Hines). The aim of this course is to learn about computational
strategies and modeling methods based on the NEURON simulation
environment. The course modules include lectures, demonstrations, and
hands-on exercises: The first 2 days are dedicated to the basic
curriculum and days 3-5 to more advanced topics.

For more information see

or contact

Jose Guzman
Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria)
Am Campus 1
A =96 3400 Klosterneuburg

Phone: +43 (0)2243 9000-8452
E-Mail: NeuronCourseRegistration<at>ist.ac.at

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