[Neuroscience] Otto Loewi-ELSC Conference Eilat November 27-30 2011

Emanuel Sestieri via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by emanuel.sestieri from mail.huji.ac.il)
Fri Sep 16 07:43:53 EST 2011

The 12th Otto Loewi and 1st ELSC Conference entitled: 

"Otto Loewi's dream (or nightmare) on neurons and synaptic complexity"


Will take place in Eilat, Israel, on November 27th-30th 2011


Organizers: Arthur Konnerth & Yosi Yarom


Heinz Beck                            Germany

Michael Brecht                    Germany

György Buzsáki                    USA

Nils Brose                              Germany

Barry Connors                      USA

Egidio D'Angelo                  Italy

Chris De Zeeuw                   The Netherlands

Winfried Denk                    Germany

Michael Gutnick                 Israel

Michael Hausser                 UK

Uwe Heinemann                Germany

Fritjof Helmchen                Switzerland

Jørn Hounsgaard                Denmark

Arthur Konnerth                 Germany

Ilan Lampl                             Israel

Aharon Lev-Tov                  Israel

Rodolfo Llinas                     USA

Thomas Misgeld                 Germany

Israel Nelken                       Israel

Yifat Prut                               Israel

William Ross                        USA

Nathalie Rochefort           Germany

Dietmar Schmitz                 Germany

Oren Schuldiner                 Israel

Menahem Segal                 Israel

Idan Segev                            Israel

Gilad Silberberg                 Sweden

Angus Silver                         UK

Inna Slutsky                          Israel

Haim Sompolinsky            Israel

Benjamin Torben-Nielsen    Israel

Eilon Vaadia                         Israel

Yoel Yaari                              Israel

Yosi Yarom                            Israel


For more information, or register, please visit:



or contact

emanuel.sestieri from mail.huji.ac.il




Emanuel Sestieri

Otto Loewi Minerva Center

Inter-University Institute          

P.O.B: 469,  88103,  Eilat

Tel: +972 (0)8 6360177

Cell: +972 (0)54 6845844

Fax: +972 (0)8 6374329



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