[Neuroscience] Predictions from NeuroElectroDynamics (NED)

Dorian Aur via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by dorianaur from gmail.com)
Sat Oct 22 18:42:19 EST 2011


Every  reliable theory  has to generate experimentally testable predictions=
Unfortunately, even necessarily postdictive  explanations are misleading or
missing in temporal coding models. Therefore, in addition to previous
=93concept cells=94 topic
http://neuroelectrodynamics.blogspot.com/p/concept-cells.html  other new
simple explanations from NED regarding phantom limb, mirror neurons and
sparse coding are posted at:
The longevity of temporal coding  idea does not make it correct (e.g. 60
years of temporal coding).   Hebb was trained as a psychologist and he was
unaware of early development of computational theory. The celebrated topic
of firing and wiring together *describes a dynamic  process of interaction
between neurons *(see NED) rather than hard wired "connectivity" in the
brain  or  temporal coding. In addition, the NED model presents a new type
of computation which always occurs within neurons during action potential
http://neuroelectrodynamics.blogspot.com/p/computing-by-interaction.html. T=
propagation of action potentials is the result of computing by interaction
within the cell that selectively determines a specific synaptic transmissio=
and local propagation of information.
http://neuroelectrodynamics.blogspot.com/p/spike-directivity.html .  The
temporal coding models attempt to approximate only =91weak=92 interactions
between neurons while =91strong=92 interactions within cells have always be=
neglected or superficially modeled.

 We can now predict that this type of computation developed within cells
defines the fundamental phenomenon required to build more powerful,
non-Turing computing machines. This new model can change computing forever,
=93even if most computer scientists don=92t know it yet=92=92.

Any comments, questions, corrections and suggestions are welcomed at:

Dorian Aur, PhD

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