[Neuroscience] Summer School promotion

Alfonsina Ramundo Orlando via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by alfonsina from ift.cnr.it)
Thu Feb 10 06:45:38 EST 2011

Dear Colleague,
We are pleased to invite you to attend the fourth edition of the 
International Summer School in "Advanced Topics in Cell Model Systems" 
to be held in Rome-Italy from 5th-10th June 2011 at the Tor Vergata 
Research Establishment of National Research Council of Italy.

The aim of this school is to support early pharmaceutical research by 
training young post-PhD investigators, by promoting the exchange of 
knowledge, supporting skills and know-how and providing access to 
various technologies. During the course target groups of approx. 12-15 
young post-PhD students from all over world will brought together.

The course will impart the latest theoretical and practical aspects on 
cell model systems, it will positively encourage discussion and exchange 
of ideas between the post-PhD students, the speakers, and the scientists 
of the CNR. Tor Vergata Establishment has a unique set of advanced 
instrumentation and technologies providing a strong technical 
infrastructure for our Summer School. It combines world-class advanced 
sensors; precise analytical methods; techniques to prepare membrane 
models; enhanced imaging capabilities; and sophisticated computational 
tools for characterizing and modelling cells.

You are strongly encouraged to apply and submit your CV. The deadline is 
31th March, 2011. The web page is at htpp://www.cms3.cnr.it/ The working 
language of the school will be English.

*I would appreciate it if you would also send this information to any 
colleagues of yours that may be interested. *
We apologise if you receive this invitation more than once, we are, by 
necessity, using several data bases to send these invitations.

Thanks for your interest and hope to see you in Rome in June 2011.
Best regards,
Alfonsina Ramundo-Orlando, dr.
Director of the CMS3 Summer School

Alfonsina Ramundo-Orlando

Liposome Research Laboratory

Institute of Traslational Pharmacology

National Research Council of Italy (CNR)

Via del Fosso del Cavaliere, 100

00133-Roma-Tor Vergata

Lab +39-6-45488213

Fax +39-6-49934257

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