[Neuroscience] Looking Up autism newsletter, Volume 5 Number 2

Adam via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by adam.m.feinstein from gmail.com)
Wed May 12 12:27:16 EST 2010

Hi everyone,

Just to let you know that the latest issue (Volume 5, Number 2) of
Looking Up, my 40-page international autism newsletter
(www.lookingupautism.org), is out now.

Contents of this latest edition include:

- The death of Kim Peek, the 'real Rain Man' - a profile of this
extraordinary man and a tribute from his close friend, Dr Darold
Treffert, the world's leading expert on autistic savants and an
adviser on the 1988 movie, Rain Man
- The full story of why The Lancet decided to retract Andrew
Wakefield's 1998 MMR paper
- Is it possible to recover from autism?  Dr Deborah Fein's latest
study suggests it is - and so does Raun Kaufman (see his comments to
Looking Up in this issue)
- Donna Williams:  'Why my feet were my eyes'
- Gary McKinnon update:  Extradition to the US put on hold. Comments
from the psychiatrist, Professor Jeremy Turk, whose medical report on
McKinnon influenced the British government's decision
- UK Autism Act is given Royal Assent
- As latest study puts autism prevalence at 1 per cent, ten 'clusters'
are identified in California
- Autistic student stamps his mark on the postal service
- The bizarre case of Molly, the 'autistic' dog in Italy.  Comments
from Dr Lorna Wing
- Running the toughest foot race on Earth - for autism
- Why hundreds of butterflies were released in a park in El Salvador
- New autism association for Algeria
- Jenny McCarthy splits from Jim Carrey, her 'autism whisperer'
EDUCATION:  Autistic children 'are being unfairly excluded from
schools' -  Comments from the study's lead author, Professor David
AUTISM IN ASIA:    Ridicule in the Philippines, Tales of tears and
rewards in Indonesia and Merry Barua on why India's 'new' screening
tool for autism is not new at all
AUTISM AND THE ARTS:   Hugh Dancy on how he prepared for the role of a
man with Asperger's syndrome in the film, Adam

Looking Up, which I founded in 1998, publishes the very latest
research, news and vews from the world of autism. Further details, as
well as selected free articles, can be found on the website at:

By popular request, a 16-page PDF edition of Looking Up is now
available, starting with Volume 5, Number 1. The PDF edition consists
of selected articles from the full 40-page print edition.

For more information, see the PDF edition web page at

Please feel free to e-mail me at adam from lookingupautism.org
for more information.

Best wishes,

Adam Feinstein

Adam Feinstein

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