Dear Colleagues: (with advance apologies for any cross-postings!)
We are delighted to announce the publication of Volume 2, No. 2 / June 2010,
of Springer's exciting multi-disciplinary journal in the neurosciences:
"Cognitive Computation" -
You will be pleased to know that ALL (full) published articles in Cognitive
Computation are FREELY AVAILABLE for access/download through December 31,
2010. The full listing of Vol.2, No. 2 / June 2010, (in PDF) can be viewed
The individual list of published articles (Table of Contents) for Vol. 2,
No. 2 / June 2010, can be found at the end of this message (followed by an
overview of the previous Issues/Archive).
Other 'Online First' published articles not yet in a print issue can be
viewed here:
Announcement: New Cognitive Computation "LinkedIn" Group:
To further strengthen the bonds amongst the interdisciplinary audience of
Cognitive Computation, we have now set-up a "Cognitive Computation LinkedIn
group". Within this group you all have the possibility to start a discussion
with your fellow researchers - e.g. on future topics in Cognitive
Computation - or to post a job vacancy or news item - e.g. forthcoming
conferences or seminars. On a regular basis you will also receive a digest
of the group's activity (including the journal's Table of Contents Alert,
Call for Papers for forthcoming Special Issues, lists of most cited,
downloaded and On-line First published papers).
For those of you unfamiliar with LinkedIn (the world's largest professional
network site), you can find more information by visiting LinkedIn 101:
- We are confident that this group will be an invaluable addition to the
Cognitive Computation community and we warmly invite you to join our group
For further information on the journal and to sign up for electronic "Table
of Contents alerts" please visit the Cognitive Computation homepage: or follow us on Twitter at: for the latest On-line First Issues.
For any questions with regards to LinkedIn and/or Twitter, please contact
Springer's Publishing Editor: Dr. Martijn Roelandse:
martijn.roelandse from
Finally, we would like to invite you to submit short or regular papers
describing original research or timely review of important areas - our aim
is to peer review all papers within approximately four weeks of receipt. We
also welcome relevant high quality proposals for Special Issues (five are
already planned for 2010-11!).
With our very best wishes to all aspiring readers and authors of Cognitive
Amir Hussain, PhD (Editor-in-Chief: Cognitive Computation) E-mail:
ahu from
Igor Aleksander, PhD (Honorary Editor-in-Chief: Cognitive Computation)
John Taylor, PhD (Chair, Advisory Board: Cognitive Computation)
Table of Contents: Springer's Cognitive Computation, Vol.2, No.2 / June 2010
Quasi-Quantum Computing in the Brain?
Pentti O. A. Haikonen
Local Feature Based Geometric-Resistant Image Information Hiding
Xinbo Gao, Cheng Deng, Xuelong Li and Dacheng Tao
Cognition and Emotion: Perspectives of a Closing Gap
Claudius Gros
3D Object Recognition Based on Some Aspects of the Infant Vision System and
Associative Memory
Roberto A. Vázquez, Humberto Sossa and Beatriz A. Garro
On Natural Based Optimization
Amin Nobakhti
A Video Quality Assessment Metric Based on Human Visual System
Wen Lu, Xuelong Li, Xinbo Gao, Wenjian Tang, Jing Li and Dacheng Tao
Previous Issues/Archive: Overview
The full listing of the Inaugural Vol. 1, No. 1 / March 2009, can be viewed
here (which included invited authoritative reviews by leading researchers in
their areas - including keynote papers from London University's John Taylor,
Igor Aleksander and Stanford University's James McClelland, and invited
papers from Ron Sun, Pentti Haikonen, Geoff Underwood, Kevin Gurney,
Claudius Gross, Anil Seth and Tom Ziemke):
The full listing of Vol. 1, No. 2 / June 2009, can be viewed here (which
included invited reviews and original research contributions from leading
researchers, including Giacomo Indiveri, Rodney Douglas, Jurgen Schmidhuber,
Thomas Wennekers, Pentti Kanerva and Friedemann Pulvermuller):
The full listing of Vol.1, No. 3 / Sep 2009, can be viewed here:
The full listing of Vol. 1, No. 4 / Dec 2009, can be viewed here:
The full listing of Vol.2, No. 1 / March 2010, can be viewed here:
The Sunday Times Scottish University of the Year 2009/2010
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland,
number SC 011159.