[Neuroscience] Re: On cell stimulation

Bill via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by connelly.bill from gmail.com)
Thu Apr 8 02:57:04 EST 2010

Hi Jose,

> If you want to test which presynaptic neuron is connected to your target
>   cell, you can use cell attached or loose-attached configurations. The
> stimulation intensities for these configurations varies between 4 to 9
> nA, depending on the cell type.

Thanks, that is the information I was looking for. When I said "on-
cell" I meant cell attached. The reason why I don't want to do true
paired recording is because the probably connectivity will be very
very low (probably > 1 in 100). With a cell-attached electrode, I
should be able to search through a large number of cells in a day.

(I have other reasons to assume that I was going to be stimulating the
cell bodies, rather than the fibers of passage, I just didn't get into
it in the post).

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