[Neuroscience] Software for cool snap Photometrics camera?

Claudio Elgueta Zuñiga via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by claudioez from gmail.com)
Mon Apr 5 16:34:15 EST 2010


I've lost the driver for using my cool snap cf photometrics camera with the
image pro software, and the driver I could find on the web is for the last
version of image pro. I need urgently some software just to be able to see
my cells, right know I don't need to take pictures...

Thanks in Advance, Claudio.

Claudio Andrés Elgueta Zuñiga
Licenciado en bioquímica, Universidad de Chile
Programa Doctorado en ciencias, mención neurociencias, Universidad de
Gran Bretaña 1111, Playa Ancha, Valparaíso,Chile
Fono: (52)-32-2508186
mail: claudioez from gmail.com

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