Investigation of activity-dependent signal integration in neocortical
Our lab uses combined intra- and extracellular recordings in rat V1 in vivo,
as well as dynamic photo stimulation of acute brain slices to study network
dynamics in V1 and the influence of dynamical states on the integration of
synaptic input in pyramidal cells. The offered position is funded by the EU
FACETS program (, and should, therein,
contribute to the aspect of experimental characterization of cortical cells
and networks in vivo and in vitro.
The goal of our work is to link the obtained electrophysiological data, in
close collaboration with other groups at the BCCN and within FACETS, to new
models of neocortical networks, aimed to better understand the mechanisms
underlying network dynamics in the cortex.
The phd position is available immediately for 3 years.
We are looking for experimentalists with a solid background in
electrophysiological recording techniques and interest in computational
Please apply via the online application form: <
_applications/index.php> hd _applications/index.php (Project-ID: FACETS)
-- Dr. Janina Kirsch --
Coordinator for the Teaching & Training Programs
Bernstein Center Freiburg
Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg
Hansastr. 9a
D - 79104 Freiburg
Phone: +49 (0) 761 203-9575
Fax: +49 (0) 761 203-9559
Email: kirsch <mailto:kirsch from>
Web: <>