[Neuroscience] PhD in Brain Science, Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica(Taipei) --Extensive experience with Flex 3 needed

raymond via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by brendonfish from gmail.com)
Wed Mar 11 20:30:11 EST 2009

Research team at the Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica
seeks applicants for graduate research assistantship. Research
opportunities are in several different areas of brain science.

Research will involve EEG/MEG data processing and source localization,
structure images, functional MRI and 4D PET image analyses. Ideal
candidates will need a strong background in computer science and be
really interested in working with and studying in brain science.

Applicants must have a MS degree in computer sciences, applied
mathematics or related areas. As far as programming skills are
concerned, both of the followings are needed:
     -Extensive experience with Flex 3 and ActionScript 3
     -Experience designing modular, object-oriented Flex 3
     -Familiar with Flex component life cycle
      (extending and creating custom components),
      styling and skinning
     -Please provide past flex works and source code for review

Research assistantships include a monthly stipend, health benefits,
scientific supervisor and tuition remission.

Please contact Dr. Arthur Tsai at arthur from stat.sinica.edu.tw

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