Hi Wei,
I'm certainly no expert on the subject, and I have never done it, but
I did have quite a long talk about it with John Clements who invented
the technique. If no one more qualified comes forward, potentially if
we put our heads together we can solve your problems. Certainly, if
you've got the data already it shouldn't be a problem (though I hope
you filled your cell with Cs, and QX-314, so no pesky active channels
mess with things, though with such a mix electrotonically distant and
close synapses, I'm not sure how good results like this can be).
On Sep 6, 4:40 pm, "Wei Zhang" <zha... from stanford.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to use the variance-mean analysis to describe n,p,q of hippocampal
> synapses. Is there anybody who have had experience on this and would be
> willing to help me work it out? Your help will be appreciated (like jamba
> juice or starbucks gift card).
> Wei