I have just found one paper which you may find interesting:
1.- Jeng JM (2002) Richard Miledi and the calcium hypothesis of
neurotransmitter release. Nat neurosci, 3, 71-76
This is a very interesting paper which describes historically the
advances in the chemical synapse and the calcium requierement to the
neurotransmitter release.
I hope you find it useful,
On 2008-11-30, Jose Guzman <nin from neurohost.org> wrote:
> If I recall it propertly, Eccles et al., were more concerned to the
> study of synaptic integration (temporal and sumation of EPSPs), whereas
> Katz and collegues were more interested in the basic mechanisms of synaptic
> transmission. Indeed the calcium dependent neurotransmitter release is
> atributed to Katz, Miledi and del Castillo. Eccles and colleagues tended
> to think in terms of electrical synapses, while Katz and his colleagues
> believed in a more chemical-type synapse (as they later demonstrated).
>> The key paper is Katz B, 1969 (where the quantal nature of the
> transmitter release is described). This papers also describes "the calcium
> hipothesis" of synaptic release.
>> I would recommend you to take a look to the small article written by Stuart
> Cull-Candy and Donald Jenkinson in Nature neuroscience on Kartz death.
> The article is called "Bernard-Katz 1911-2003" and was published on
> July 2003 in Nat neurosci (vol 6 number 7).
>> I think the article is free, but just send me an e-mail if you do not
> have access to the magazine, and I will send you a copy.
>>> On 2008-11-30, Bill <connelly.bill from gmail.com> wrote:
>> Was it Eccles who first showed that an action potential invades a
>> presynaptic terminal, causes Ca2+ influx and neurotransmitter release?
>> Anyone know the paper?
>>>> Thanks.