[Neuroscience] Re: question of inferior olive slice

Bill via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by connelly.bill from gmail.com)
Tue Jun 24 15:36:26 EST 2008

On Jun 25, 12:49 am, wwt <wwt0... from gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jun 24, 7:41 am, Bill <connelly.b... from gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you for your detaily answer. I will try more according your
> advises.
> A little question: What is the difference between Na  Ascorbate and
> Ascorbic acid? Can I use Ascorbic acid to replace the role of Na
> Ascorbate?

I'm not actually sure. Ascorbic acid isn't a carboxylic acid, so I
don't know how reversible the reaction is, but I assume it is very

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