[Neuroscience] Re: What electrophysiology software are people using?

jonesmat via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by jonesmat from physiology.wisc.edu)
Tue Jun 24 12:42:08 EST 2008

On Jun 23, 11:40 pm, Bill <connelly.b... from gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been trying to find software that is actually functional for the
> detection and subsequent analysis of spontaneous synaptic events. I've
> tried using MiniAnalysis, which works, but is very unstable and about
> as user friendly as a rusting syringe. We acquire data using CEDs
> spike2, however it is no good for rejecting/accepting events, and it
> doesn't have the necessary Stats (KS tests). For what ever reason, I
> can't get WinEDR to open our data, and I can't get "Serf" (http://www.bram.org/serf/serf.php) to work. Axograph isn't available on PC
> yet.
> What is pCLAMP like? Does anyone have any software that they would
> actually recommend?


Personally I think PClamp bites.

Check the Axograph website again. It is available for PC now.

Although it's no longer in beta testing, Axograph X is still not
entirely bug free, even on Mac. But the detection works fine for us. I
haven't used the PC version.

But even with bugs I think it's better than most other packages. I am
not sure it will do the stats you need (but maybe). We always use
Prism for KS tests and such, after doing detection & measurement in


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