[Neuroscience] Re: Long-term potentiation and depression

Entertained by my own EIMC via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by decoy from mindyaown.biz)
Thu Jun 12 22:21:38 EST 2008

"Entertained by my own EIMC" <decoy from mindyaown.biz> wrote in message 
news:4851cc59$0$13000$5a62ac22 from per-qv1-newsreader-01.iinet.net.au...
> "Christian Wilms" <usenet02 from out-of-phase.de> wrote in message 
> news:1iifgvx.1y7rwd71anserqN%usenet02 from out-of-phase.de...
>> I think in general short-term plasticity refers to changes lasting
>> seconds and minutes, while long-term refers to changes lasting hours
>> (though 30 minutes is commonly considered to be long-enough-term for
>> experimental purposes ;)
> That a brainscientist (presumably) can be so narrow-minded as to limit his 
> definition of LTP to "hours" is *almost* unbelievable, to me.
What made me react - a bit too rapidly - was this (interest and concern of 

The *truly long-term* consequences of LTP (and the kinds of learning or 
conditioning that it allows) do obviously underpin the insidious dynamic 
neural states ("primal pain" or CURSES) that drive *not just* symptoms that 
are so easily recognized as being caused by a conditioned-in aftereffect of 
some specific predicament that a person has been (is no longer) in, that 
they have come to be called "PTSD(s)" *but do also* underpin symptoms of 
anything from the most sophisticated adaptive (in some cases not just 
socially accepted but idolized) forms of 'AE_VASIVE ("Ambiadvantageously 
Evolved" and learned/developed) behavior' [or more conventionally, but less 
precisely, put: "successful neurotic defenses"] to the most bizarre and 
antisocial symptoms of overloaded and broken-down neural means of coping 
with CURSES.

[It is highly unrealistic to expect that primal pain (or CURSES) can be 
cleanly or neutrally contained within a brain. Instead, on fundamental 
evolutionary ('naturally selective') and neurophysiological grounds, 
potentially self-defeating pain/fear/distress-motivating excitatory signals 
are inevitably not just getting blocked (or "gated") but also tending to get 
*rerouted* to co-motivate much of people's focusing (paying) of more or less 
adaptive "actentions" {"actention"=either or both visceromotor, 
'sceletomotor', and "mental"  (intellectual or cognitive) activities - or 
ditto preoccupations}.] 

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