[Neuroscience] Re: Long-term potentiation and depression

r norman via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by r_s_norman from _comcast.net)
Thu Jun 12 20:50:04 EST 2008

On Fri, 13 Jun 2008 11:24:40 +1000, "Entertained by my own EIMC"
<decoy from mindyaown.biz> wrote:

>"Christian Wilms" <usenet02 from out-of-phase.de> wrote in message 
>news:1iifgvx.1y7rwd71anserqN%usenet02 from out-of-phase.de...
>> I think in general short-term plasticity refers to changes lasting
>> seconds and minutes, while long-term refers to changes lasting hours
>> (though 30 minutes is commonly considered to be long-enough-term for
>> experimental purposes ;)
>That a brainscientist (presumably) can be so narrow-minded as to limit his 
>definition of LTP to "hours" is *almost* unbelievable, to me.

What is unbelievable?  I understood "hours" to mean "hours or more".

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