[Neuroscience] Technical question: Alternative software for a "Coolsnap HQ" camera

Tom via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by tehgabriel from web.de)
Mon Jun 9 04:56:47 EST 2008

I have a 'Coolsnap HQ' from Princeton that came together with a
software package called "WinView".
Unfortunately this software is full of bugs and really a pain to use.
So i am wondering if anybody knows an image acquisition software that
can be used to control a 'Coolsnap HQ' camera?
If possible, this software should run under linux, but windows is fine

It should allow high frequency imaging (up to 20 Hz), where the timing
is triggered by an external device.
I already tried a software called "micro-manager" but didn't find this
suitable for my needs

Any comments are appreciated!


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