[Neuroscience] 15th International Summer School in Cognitive Science

bkokinov from gmail.com via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by bkokinov from gmail.com)
Sun Sep 30 10:49:59 EST 2007

The New Bulgarian University is announcing the 15th Summer School in
Cognitive Science which will be held from June 30 till July 19, 2008
in Sofia, Bulgaria. The summer school offers advanced courses for
graduate students and young researchers in a variety of areas,
including cognitive modeling, neurosciences, linguistics, psychology,
and philosophy. The lecturers include famous researchers like Magaret
Boden, Paul Smolensky, Geraldine Legendre, Terry Regier, Brad
Schlaggar, Eve Clark, Herbert Clark, Jeffrey Elman.

Application deadline: January 31st, 2008

For more information: http://nbu.bg/cogs/events/ss2008.html

e-mail: school from cogs.nbu.bg


15th International Summer School


Cognitive Science

NBU, Sofia, June 30 - July 19, 2008


Margaret Boden (University of Sussex, UK) - Creativity and Computers

Paul Smolensky (Rumelhart Prize Winner for 2005, John Hopkins
University, USA) - Explaining Grammatical Competence and Performance
in an Integrated Connectionist/Symbolic Computational Architecture

Geraldine Legendre (John Hopkins University, USA) - Optimal
Morphosyntax and Its Acquisition

Bradley Schlaggar (Washington University at Saint Louis, USA) -
Cognitive Neuroscience Investigation of Typical and Atypical

Terry Regier (University of Chicago, USA) - Language and Thought

Boicho Kokinov (New Bulgarian University) - Analogy and Cognition

Eve Clark (Stanford University, USA) - Acquisition of Meaning

Herbert Clark (Stanford University, USA) - Using Language

Jeffrey Elman (Rumelhart Prize Winner for 2007, University of
California at San Diego, USA) - Connectionist Models of Language

Organised by the New Bulgarian University

Endorsed by the Cognitive Science Society

Sponsored by European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP)

Central and East European Center for Cognitive Science
New Bulgarian University
21 Montevideo Str.
Sofia 1618
phone: (+3592) 8110-401
e-mail: school from cogs.nbu.bg

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