[Neuroscience] Re: conditioning

Glen M. Sizemore via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by gmsizemore2 from yahoo.com)
Tue Sep 18 14:21:22 EST 2007

"biomiki" <michele.stefanoli from tin.it> wrote in message 
news:46ece86a$0$10623$4fafbaef from reader2.news.tin.it...
> Hi!
> Whitch is the difference between:
> - conditionated contextual stimulus

Sometimes the terms used by various people that investigate conditioning is 
not very standard. This term sounds like a reference to "occasion setting" 
in Pavlovian conditioning. In such procedures the occurence of a potential 
CS is uncorrelated with the occurence of a US unless a second stimulus is 
present. My guess is that this "second stimulus" is temporally extended, 
whereas the CS tends to be brief, but I'm not sure. I know such procedures 
exist, and that the CS only functions as a CS when the "occasion-setting" 
stimulus is present. Otherwise I don't know much about the procedures.

> - discrete CS

It is hard to say what this might mean without a context. It might simply 
mean that a CS is spatially- or temporally-localized.

> - explicit CS?

Again, it is hard to say what this might mean without a context. It might 
refer simply to the fact that one stimulus is explicitly arranged by the 
experimenter as a CS. For example, if one delivers shocks during a tone, but 
also delivers them when the tone is not present, the tone does not become a 
CS. One explanation involves the Rescorla-Wagner equation and suggests that 
the whole experimental apparatus is a set of (non-explicit) stimuli.

It sounds vaguely like you may be talking about experiments that show that 
"pairing" of stimuli is insufficient to produce conditioning. If you give me 
the context of these terms, I might be of more help.

> thanks
> Michele

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