[Neuroscience] New Neuroimaging Forum

Toby via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by toby.fernsler from gmail.com)
Wed Sep 12 15:15:33 EST 2007

 I have set up a free neuroimaging-specific forum as well as a data
analysis and programming consulting business, at http://neuroimagingnetwork.com/

The forum is intended to be an informal central site for neuroimaging
researchers and professionals to discuss and troubleshoot the various
software and hardware they use, as well as announce and discuss
workshops, meetings, jobs, sell used lab equipment, etc.  It is a
modern, versatile forum running on vbulletin and hosted on a high-
bandwidth VPS by HostICan, who have a 99.9% average uptime rating.

Forum Organizational Highlights:
*   Forums for troubleshooting and discussing each software and
hardware product, such as EEGLAB and Net Station.  Don't see your
software?  Let me know and I'll add it.
*   Forums for upcoming meetings, job postings, grant opportunities,
lab equipment resale, etc.

Forum Technical Features:
*   Customizable login allows for creation of an avatar (icon to
represent yourself), fields to describe yourself, attach a picture,
provide contact information and enter your CV/Resume.
*   Advanced search capabilities allow you to search by forum, thread,
author, etc.
*   Social features allow you to see who is logged in (and login
anonymously), message them, and make buddy and ignore lists.
*   Subscribe to forums and threads and receive email notification of
new posts.
*   Threads can be moved, moderated, edited, closed etc.
*   It's pretty.

Please check it out at: http://neuroimagingnetwork.com/forums/

I will of course be participating in discussions and answering
questions, and as a former developer of EEGLAB, a mathematician and
Matlab expert I will provide better-than-average responses on those
topics.  If you happen to want more detailed assistance I have...

This is my consulting/contracting business for assistance/analysis
with EEGLAB as well as other data-mining, mathematical, programming,
and neuroscience-related tasks.  Troubleshooting and debugging.  Order
up a program and I'll write it.  Send me your data and I'll tell you
what's interesting about it in nice graphics and down-to-earth
language.  You may find details about rates and services here:

Thanks for listening.  Hope to meet you on the forum!

Toby Fernsler

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