[Neuroscience] Re: why did humans grow a bigger neocortex?

konstantin kouzovnikov via neur-sci%40net.bio.net (by myukhome from hotmail.com)
Tue Sep 4 15:15:01 EST 2007

> From: bingblat from goaway.com.au> Subject: Re: [Neuroscience] Re: why did humans grow a bigger neocortex?> Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2007 18:23:32 +1000> To: neur-sci from magpie.bio.indiana.edu> > The data also suggest:> > increased neocortial mass relative to mid and brain stem.  well, well, well...John.. you've done it again! As Jony Carson would say- I-did-not-know-that! thanx!kk > Think about that in relation to changes at the skull base, the increase in> the cerebellum might simply be a consequence of that. Don't know. They do. The relationship is reversed, actually, i.e. the cavity has become encreasingly larger and this is how they made the volumetric projections. > > So tell me Konstantin, what is the cerebellum "profile" for the presence of> Da, nore, and 5ht. Anything special there? Just wondering about the> schizophrenia link and Da. PS: new drug trial for schizophrenia, glutamate> agent. Promising results. I know practically nothing beyond functional connectivity directly related to cognitive and emotional processing. I am hoping though someone will tell you the answers.  Cheers,KK
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